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December 18, 2015:


Suzy Rice photographed by Max Aguilera-Hellweg, Los Angeles 1979

Suzy Rice photographed by Max Aguilera-Hellweg, Los Angeles 1979

My other site,, was deleted at my request of my host after it was marred and infected by reckless intruders.

About me, I am a conservative individual, a Christian, Catholic and tend not to affiliate with trendy-things, appeals nor behaviors because I prefer individual thought and insights. There are several other individuals who are named, “Susan Rice” and a few more who use “Suzy Rice,” and I’ve been mistaken for a variety of those by others on the internet. I’m not, however, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, “Susan Rice,” who was a member of Obama’s Presidential Administration, and I don’t live in “East Texas,” as I understand there’s someone in that area who also uses “Suzy Rice.” I vote as a Republican and I don’t vote for Democrats (with one exception when there was no other option locally).

THIS SITE, however (you are here), contains the last several years of my opinion and perspective (and much of the image files for my graphic work) (12/27/17 EDIT: all now archived).

A quick-sketch self-portrait drawn with oil pastels.

A quick-sketch self-portrait drawn with oil pastels.

Above is a quick-sketch self-portrait drawn with oil pastels: the odd white-line effect was just me enjoying the use of the pastels while listening to music. The sketch is moreorless a ‘doodle’ drawn in the mid-1980’s in all of about ten minutes while engaged in other things; it wasn’t intended to be a finished work. However, it captures a lot about me that a more studied work might not. 30wde_sitebreaker-dwn3



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