Someone who tried to access this site last evening sent me a tweet letting me know the Site was DOWN. Oops, I’d neglected to renew my domain ( First time for everything.
Domain is again active and you are here (Site’s UP again). Sorry for my oversite.
Site’s UP Again
APRIL 2019
In the past, I updated this site several times each week and did so throughout many years. I grew tired of the isolation, however, and tending to technical issues relating nearly entirely to bad actors engaging in bad actions to and about this site and me, specifically, as a person.
So I stopped updating the site and eventually set nearly all the many years’ worth of posts to “private.” Twitter took over what time I devoted to the internet, then a few other valued sites for reading, then a few more and then, a general daily reading lot which I continue to visit often: reading only, no commenting with exception of twitter. That will likely change with more time.
The bad actors who spoil the internet for everyone else continue; from the look of things, they’ve multiplied. I’d like to retaliate against the worst offenders but there’s no tool that swings at bad actors across bytes; what retaliation that does exist, electronically, is unknown to me or, at least, not within my skills. Notice I wrote, “I’d like to…” not that I intend to do so even if I did have the ability.
Thus, off and on, hours here, hours there, the last two weeks have been devoted to fixing a variety of issues involving the internet, my access to it, even my computing hardware.
However, one thing I also did when I set nearly all of this site’s past-posts to private was wave bye to all the bots and huge harvesters, ranking systems, the whole lot of it, where this site is concerned. This morning, when I took a look at results from a basic search of my domain and site name — “” — I found negative rankings and reprimanding remarks about the sad state of things in the eyes of these systems where this site is concerned. The internet is a bog. But a necessary bog, though still a bog. I KNOW the site’s been fallow for a long time now, I KNOW I’ve let site-aspects literally ‘just go’ for a long time; meanwhile, it’s a sad state of things, it’s reality, to read that big ole’ ranking systems have reprimanded me/the site while I’ve been reading elsewhere.
Returning to the site administration: I maintain a very good webhost and for that, I am grateful: is their name should any reader care to look into their abilities.
I will reapproach this site. It’s time to freshen things up and continue on, let the boggy mist go be mist, it’s always going to mist and bog and that’s the downside of owning and maintaining a website, even when it’s had a few years napping but now awake again, though I will keep most of the past-posts cribbed. At least, for now.
ADDING (04/21/19)
Interesting to me is how these “rating organizations” (they appear self-appointed) assume their perspectives of a site (this one, per earlier in this post) are the sum-total of evaluation of a site. Who asked them what their opinion/s are? Who appointed them the source of what is and what isn’t to be as to any site?
These are rhetorical questions, clearly, but it’s annoying that these “rating orgs” fail (or refuse) to recognize that sites set their parameters themselves: it was by intention that my site (you are here) went fallow for several years — I even wrote on this site years ago that my intention was to let it go silent and so I kept to that intention and the site did, indeed, go silent.
These “rating orgs,” instead, rather than recognize (or just mind their own business, stay silent as to this site) that the site’s intention was to remain silent for unlimited/unstated period of time/use, rather than acknowledge this, the “rating orgs” lobbed negative things about the site as to search results: BECAUSE THE SITE WAS SILENT, not due to content, good or bad, offensive or not (nothing here fits any of that), but because the site was literally not being updated. That is the height of arrogance (and destructiveness) by those “rating orgs” and most readers will easily recognize just who is meant by “rating organizations” as to site value, site recognition, site evaluation, in their opinion.
As to MY opinion (my site, my rules, I pay for the maintenance of it, the registration of the domain, the server status, all of it), as to MY opinion, my site (you are here) has been almost-just-fine hibernating away in solitude for the past few years, it’s what I wanted and what I put into place. The site doesn’t exist to pleasure the “rating organizations” nor seeks their ratings at all.
This development pushes into the realm of censorship: censored the site by way of placing negative evaluations (“opinions”) in search results, it’s just baseless harassment. Can’t locate any objectionable content, so, one move from that, offer up negative opinions about a site, harmless as it is, going fallow for about two years. It’s censorship by a back-of-the-knees bite, that’s what it is, placing negative opinions in search results when my domain/this site is searched, and all because I let the site go fallow by intention for a few years yet maintained hosting and domain registration.
Originally Published February 07, 2013
Having a friend who is in a Catholic religious order proves rewarding in more ways than one but it’s especially great to receive newsletters from such a friend, which I do.
The latest newsy-email I received inspired me and quite dramatically; I feel a need both personally and publicly — privately and professionally, private issues and Ye Olde Political ones — to orient perspectives and plans toward the future with a new sense of adventure.
I’ve also discovered the newest perspectives I want to base my next paintings on, which is a unique event for me because the concepts I explore on canvas with paint only emerge as themes that affect all the paintings done in the same period of time, and, I only develope these concepts, from what my history tells me about this process, every ten to twenty years or so, meaning, they are rare and refined and represent perspectives under exploration by me and once done, I tend to “go out to pasture” for years and don’t reapproach the paints and canvas until there’s a new reason to explore the media. Now there’s a new reason.
Involved in that, this latest emailed newsletter from my friend, my religious friend. It quite inspired me, and it follows here:
“Give up the familiar: Leave yourself and face the unknown.”
Mother Xavier Ross – Foundress, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
“Look forward to the good there is yet to be.”
1. Identify your sanctuary in transition – a shelter for tranquility, peace, prayer, memories.
2. Re-define your mission – find yourself. Who am I now? Identify the pieces of your puzzle; decide what parts of the puzzle you want to keep; what are my gifts now, what is important to me? Am I most comfortable around adults, children, or by myself?
3. Be gentle with yourself; “Lord, I have done the best I can with the resources that I have.” Give your worries to God so you can sleep; our resources aren’t the same now — they may get better; don’t torture yourself with regrets, fear or depression, it saps energy.
4. Love equals time, one of our best resources; letters, phone calls, e-mails spell love.
5. All our lives are about transition – change:
“Go confidently in the direction of your future — GOD is there!”
Published From 2003 to 2016
All my former published posts on this site have now been relegated to an archive. There were seventy-three pages of posts at twenty-per-page or under, monthly, for each of those years.
Many of those posts continue with credible insights (example, one about ‘Al Franken Freaking Out’ was from 2005 and several about Nancy Pelosi’s tyranny by tantrum among those past thirteen years), while many more were too zany to make a serious presentation about my perspectives.
Twitter has overtaken blogging in the recent years for me and, clearly, from the looks of twitter, for many others. Thus, this site has gone unused for the past few years and the extent of my both seriously appropriate and zany posts, on current read, make me wonder why I’ve left them accessible to the public (until today).
I’ve left the STAR WARS Logo pages “up” because they continue to be searched-for, found and read by those interested.
Meanwhile, I hope this recent Christmas was merry for most and that this coming New Year will be enjoyed safely, warmly and well. 2018, I hope (and hope for all) will bring good, constructive, better things for mankind than the now-expiring 2017 did as also those years past (posts and otherwise) that have now become archive.
On this, I agree with Donald Trump:
“The fact is, Anthony Weiner is a bad guy, he’s a psycho…
“He lied. He cheated. He was as bad as I’ve ever seen…he’s a liar. He should never, ever be allowed to run for public office again.
“What he’s done is incredible and what he’s done to his family is truly a shame. The fact is, one thing good came out of Anthony’s mess: I’ll never have to give him campaign contributions and that’s really wonderful.
Footnote: when this post was originally published, there was a video available on YouTube and it was linked in this post; the link’s been removed on this republishing of the post (May 09, 2018) because YouTube’s censored and removed the video.
Brent Woodall Foundation for Exceptional Children
The condition of autism that occurs in children in all it’s subtle variations is an issue near and dear to my heart, mind and spirit.
This week’s “Strengthen the Good” network campaign, the second in an ongoing series of charity promotions and helps in broadening the awareness about specific charities and causes, is the Brent Woodall Foundation for Exceptional Children.
Brent Woodall perished in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. His wife, Tracy Woodall, who was five weeks pregnant at that time, created the foundation as a way of dealing with her grief and extending Brent Woodall’s legacy. The Brent Woodall Foundation for Exceptional Children is a charity providing much helps to children with autism and their families. Please read the Mission of the Foundation on the Foundation’s website. Contacts for donations, volunteer opportunities, and information about events and other helps can be found on the Foundation’s website, also.
Brent Woodall Foundation for Exceptional Children
106 Denton Tap Road
STE 210-PMB 333
Coppell, TX 75019